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Not Part of the Plan- GirlDefined

I was so thankful to again be chosen to be a part of the launch team for GirlDefined’s new book: “Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the twists and turns of your story.” I was so excited when they announced this new book. I’ve been so encouraged as I’ve followed the story of Bethany’s long journey of singleness and Kristen’s trial of infertility. Their openness to these struggles have encouraged me so much as I see their love for the Lord grow even in the midst of hard. I remember hearing Kristen share of her third miscarriage at the 2019 GirlDefined conference- months after a big and hard life disappointment for me. I was lost and confused and my only hope was to cling to the Lord as my life didn’t go in the direction I had hoped it would. And hearing the struggle Kristen had gone through and how the Lord comforted and worked in her heart was so helpful.  I was so excited to read this book. I’ve loved every book of theirs. It’s so personable and so very practical. They share thei

We are Healed

Well 2017 is gone, forever.  In one sense I'm sad life is flying by and I keep finding myself upset or disappointed in that fact.  Questions like am I in a good spot, do I have what I want, what will the future be like if I keep doing what I'm doing.  But this is so just me, me, and me.  I'm looking for things around me to give me happiness.  I turned 20 this year...and at first I wasn't happy about that.  I feel like a kid still.  I feel like I'm not good enough or I'm not where I should be, because I'm not really where I thought I would be or where most peope my age are currently at.  But I'm looking at the world to be my example, I'm comparing myself to others.  My identity is not in Christ, when I do this to myself and put this pressure on myself and others.  

After a week of no work or school and just finding myself being lazy, I came out of the Holiday's a little upset and overwhelmed.  But Monday I found a verse that gave me more hope then anything this world could offer; 

"With His wounds we are Healed." Isaiah 53:5

Living with that gives me the desire to live each day for Him, but also to be thankful that I am healed, I don't have to fit in...because I don't and I never will.  I don't have to worry about what people think of me, or where I am going to be this next year, but I can find hope that I am healed.  That with His strength I can get through this year, no matter what happens.

All pictures are from the month of December.  From decorating for Christmas to family traditions.  Evelyn and Owen had their first Uke recital, which was too fun and way cool.  We had a dear friend staying with us for most of the month, which for all of us was super exciting, but also trying at some times.  But the memories will last a lifetime.  From making a list of movies to watch (and having yet to watch them) to baking cookies and sharing our hearts with each other.  I was very thankful for the time spent with her staying with us.

We got to spend time with dear friends who had recently moved away, but came back to visit for a couple of weeks.  Kept up the tradition of caroling, but this time with younger kids and they kept things exciting for us all.
We spent time with just family; hiking, eating, SUP boarding, messing around with my silly sister and keeping up with family tradition by going to Coronado Island.


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