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Not Part of the Plan- GirlDefined

I was so thankful to again be chosen to be a part of the launch team for GirlDefined’s new book: “Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the twists and turns of your story.” I was so excited when they announced this new book. I’ve been so encouraged as I’ve followed the story of Bethany’s long journey of singleness and Kristen’s trial of infertility. Their openness to these struggles have encouraged me so much as I see their love for the Lord grow even in the midst of hard. I remember hearing Kristen share of her third miscarriage at the 2019 GirlDefined conference- months after a big and hard life disappointment for me. I was lost and confused and my only hope was to cling to the Lord as my life didn’t go in the direction I had hoped it would. And hearing the struggle Kristen had gone through and how the Lord comforted and worked in her heart was so helpful.  I was so excited to read this book. I’ve loved every book of theirs. It’s so personable and so very practical. They share ...


Down below are a few of my favorite photos from our trip.  I can't below how fast that week went.  I mean, I knew it would, but still.  We had waited and planned for it for months and it came and went like the blink of an eye.  Still, it was a blast.  We did the Airbnb, so we had a place to ourselves, and our own bedrooms and bathrooms, much more comfortable then one or two hotel rooms, for sure.  We went sledding and had some bumps and bruises.  Snowboarding, which was a lot harder then most of us thought it would be and I think we were all thankful to be able to get a go at it, two days, even though it was exhausting.  My dad was a natural of course, but the rest of us took a while to get down the bunny hill.  At the end of the second day, the last three laps down the hill were a blast.  Not to mention both days were beautiful and hot.  As hot as it can be when there's snow on the ground.  
We took a trip to Sedona, which was also so fun and gorgeous.  We had lunch there, went off-roading, went on a small hike, and had caramel covered apples...  HIGHLIGHT of the whole trip! ;) 
I read two books and we finished the new A Serious of Unfortunate Events Netflix serious.  In all it was just fun to hang out, relax, go on a few adventures, and have school and work off.
It was a great trip and one that I will forever be thankful that we were able to go on.


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