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Not Part of the Plan- GirlDefined

I was so thankful to again be chosen to be a part of the launch team for GirlDefined’s new book: “Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the twists and turns of your story.” I was so excited when they announced this new book. I’ve been so encouraged as I’ve followed the story of Bethany’s long journey of singleness and Kristen’s trial of infertility. Their openness to these struggles have encouraged me so much as I see their love for the Lord grow even in the midst of hard. I remember hearing Kristen share of her third miscarriage at the 2019 GirlDefined conference- months after a big and hard life disappointment for me. I was lost and confused and my only hope was to cling to the Lord as my life didn’t go in the direction I had hoped it would. And hearing the struggle Kristen had gone through and how the Lord comforted and worked in her heart was so helpful.  I was so excited to read this book. I’ve loved every book of theirs. It’s so personable and so very practical. They share thei

True JOY

So, I have a fantasy with romance, everything.  Novels, movies, etc...  It's been consuming lately, so much so that I've decided to take a break for a while.  I hope this will give me time to grow.  Closer to my family and to my Lord.  I hope this time will prove to help with things I've struggled with-jealousy, anger, and just getting my emotions under control.  Is that even possible for a female?  I guess I shall see.

There is so much in life, I feel like we all hope or more like expect it to be a happy roller coaster.  We see things on TV, Youtube, social media that yell at us that each person around us are truly happy and content, but then inside we all battle with things that most of us don't even understand.  We go through heart ache, hard decisions, expectations, and it's all a, well... roller coaster.

Lately I've been asking where I  find true joy.  I thought I would find it in my situations in life, but you see I'm not quite where I thought I wanted to be.  I don't have my life figured out, a goal towards a degree, a job that I thought I would have, my own place. (All worldly expectations, I should add) I'm not quite sure what I thought I would be doing at nineteen, but I'm sure this was not it.  So I've asked where do I find true JOY?  Defiantly not in me or in my situation.  I know true joy only comes from the Lord, but what does that look like?

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Each day when I wake up I want to thank the Lord for everything.  For His saving grace, my family and my friends.  I want to thank Him for my home and the comfort He provides.  I am grateful for my jobs (no matter how stressful they may be) and school.   And in each area, there is even more to be thankful for.  The opportunity to work with my dad.  The ability to walk.  The freedom to worship and speak about God.

I'm grateful for this roller coaster of a life.  At least I pray that I will truly be joyful in Him!


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