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Not Part of the Plan- GirlDefined

I was so thankful to again be chosen to be a part of the launch team for GirlDefined’s new book: “Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the twists and turns of your story.” I was so excited when they announced this new book. I’ve been so encouraged as I’ve followed the story of Bethany’s long journey of singleness and Kristen’s trial of infertility. Their openness to these struggles have encouraged me so much as I see their love for the Lord grow even in the midst of hard. I remember hearing Kristen share of her third miscarriage at the 2019 GirlDefined conference- months after a big and hard life disappointment for me. I was lost and confused and my only hope was to cling to the Lord as my life didn’t go in the direction I had hoped it would. And hearing the struggle Kristen had gone through and how the Lord comforted and worked in her heart was so helpful.  I was so excited to read this book. I’ve loved every book of theirs. It’s so personable and so very practical. They share ...

Spring Semester 2018

Well break has been nice and I'm just not ready to start school back up again.  I have that desire to get back into blogging, but have a feeling that just like last year I'll get too busy and it will be pushed to the side.  But we shall see...

I got my school stuff today and am officially ready for the spring semester to start...and be over.  Well, I still have to log in and set up my courses online and hopefully that will be easy, it's always given me problems in my last classes.  I'm taking two classes this semester so that should be interesting and difficult, but I'm excited about the classes and they should both be easier, because they are computer classes, rather then a math class.  One starts Monday and the other starts in the next two-three weeks.

It's crazy how fast things change.  Our Thursday night Bible hang-out for college group has taken a drastic change and though all in God's plan and all good, it's been another thing that's been hard and way out of my comfort zone.  Its turned from a hang-out to a bible study now.  New people.  And just not the thing I'm completely excited about each week.  But I do walk away each time seeing my sin and areas where I've fallen short, where I need the Lords help, and in all I'm growing and pushing myself.

I've been working on being content in where I'm at in life.  I've compared myself to others so much, I've put my hope in things of this world instead of the Lord and I find myself upset striving for things that won't satisfy.  How do I find joy in where I'm at?  Most of the time I don't know.  But I've found that removing things like Instagram and talking to people (especially older and more mature) can really help me see what is true and what is a false wall put up.  Praying for others instead of for myself also helps to see that I am so truly blessed in what the Lord has given or not given me.

Sometimes all I need to do is take a deep breath... look at today and what needs to be done, and tomorrow, Lord willing, will come with it's own problems to solve.  The Lord is always good.


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